





​乐鱼,[1]方俊华,旷鹏,程思捷,等.污泥水热炭中磷及主要伴生金属元素的浸出行为[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(3):101-106.  FANGJun-hua,KUANGPeng,CHENGSi-j


焦点提醒:首 页期刊引见编委会投稿须知文章查询学术会议告白合作刊行定阅在线留言English上一篇下一篇[1]方俊华,旷鹏,程思捷,等.污泥水热炭中磷和首要伴生金属元素的浸出行动[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(3):101-106. FANGJun-hua,KUANGPeng,CHENGSi-jie,et al.Leaching Behavior of Phosphorus and Main Associated Metal Elements from 中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事[1]方俊华,旷鹏,程思捷,等.污泥水热炭中磷和首要伴生金属元素的浸出行动[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(3):101-106. FANGJun-hua,KUANGPeng,CHENGSi-jie,et al.Leaching Behavior of Phosphorus and Main Associated Metal Elements from Sludge Hydrothermal Carbon[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(3):101-106.点击复制污泥水热炭中磷和首要伴生金属元素的浸出行动中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第40卷 期数: 2024年第3期 页码: 101-106 栏目: 出书日期: 2024-02-01Title:Leaching Behavior of Phosphorus and Main Associated Metal Elements from Sludge Hydrothermal Carbon作者:方俊华1, 旷鹏1, 程思捷1, 唐琦2(1.重庆年夜学 三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室,重庆 400045;2.成都会自来水无限义务公司,湖南 成都 610031)Author(s):FANG Jun-hua1, KUANG Peng1, CHENG Si-jie1, TANG Qi2(1. Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment ,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China; 2. Chengdu Municipal Waterworks Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China)要害词:污泥水热炭; 磷收受接管; 金属; 浸出Keywords:sludge hydrothermal carbon; phosphorus recovery; metals; leaching摘要:以水热碳化对市政污泥进行预处置,采取硫酸法对制得的污泥水热炭进行磷提取尝试,同时斟酌钙、铁、铝的释放,探讨硫酸浓度、浸出时候、液固比对磷提取结果的影响。成果注解,水热炭中磷的形态以Ca-P、Mg-P为主,该形态有益在磷的提取操纵。磷和相干金属的浸出率随硫酸浓度的增年夜而升高。长时候浸出会致使溶液构成硫酸钙晶体,下降磷和钙的浸出率,铁和铝的浸出率跟着浸出时候的增添而升高,但所需浸出时候较长。液固比经由过程影响水热炭与酸的接触面积来影响磷和相干金属的浸出结果。在硫酸浓度为0.5 mol/L、浸出时候为120 min和液固比为50 mL/g的前提下,水热炭中磷的浸出结果最好,浸出率为93.8%,钙、铁、铝的浸出率别离为70.4%、54.5%、65.8%。Abstract:Municipal sludge was pretreated by hydrothermal carbonization method, and phosphorous was extracted from the sludge hydrothermal carbon by sulfuric acid method. Considering the release of calcium, iron and aluminum, the effects of sulfuric acid concentration, leaching time and liquid-solid ratio on the phosphorus extraction performance was investigated. The forms of phosphorus in hydrothermal carbon were mainly Ca-P and Mg-P, which were conducive to the extraction and utilization of phosphorus. The leaching rates of phosphorus and related metals showed an overall increasing trend with the increase of sulfuric acid concentration. Long leaching time led to the formation of calcium sulfate crystals in the solution, and reduced the leaching rates of phosphorus and calcium. The leaching rates of iron and aluminum increased with the increase of leaching time. However, the leaching time was longer. The liquid-solid ratio affected the leaching performance of phosphorus and related metals by influencing the contact area between hydrothermal carbon and acid. When the sulfuric acid concentration was 0.5 mol/L, leaching time was 120 min and liquid-solid ratio was 50 mL/g, the maximum leaching rate of phosphorus from hydrothermal carbon was 93.8%, and the leaching rates of calcium, iron and aluminum was 70.4%, 54.5% and 65.8%, respectively.类似文献/References:[1]郝晓地,郭小媛,时琛,等.污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管Ash Dec工艺和其研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(14):17. HAOXiao-di,GUOXiao-yuan,SHIChen,et al.Advances in the Ash Dec Process for Phosphorus Recovery from Sludge Incineration Ash[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(3):17.[2]丁燕燕,在鸿宇,戴晓虎.污泥中的磷和收受接管手艺研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):29. DINGYan-yan,YUHong-yu,DAIXiao-hu.Research Progress on Phosphorus in Sludge and Its Recovery Technology[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(3):29.[3]郝晓地,李季,吴远远,等.蓝色水工场:框架与手艺[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(4):1. HAOXiao-di,LIJi,WUYuan-yuan,et al.Blue Water Factories (BWFs): Framework and Technologies[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(3):1.[4]丁鑫,李祥,毕贞,等.厌氧/好氧瓜代生物膜工艺操纵原水中碳源收受接管磷[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):1. DINGXin,LIXiang,BIZhen,et al.Recovery of Phosphorus by Anaerobic/Aerobic Alternative Biofilm Process Using Organic Carbon from Raw Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(3):1.更新日期/Last Update: 2024-02-01中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有材料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,地方会当即进行更正或删除相关内容论文颁发投稿邮箱:cnwater@vip.163.comCopyRight (C)2016 中国给水排水杂志社官方网 版权所有 津ICP备20004590号

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  • English上一篇下一篇[1]方俊华,旷鹏,程思捷,等.污泥水热炭中磷和首要伴生金属元素的浸出行动[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(3):101-106. FANGJun-hua,KUANGPeng,CHENGSi-jie,et al.Leaching Behavior of Phosphorus and Main Associated Metal Elements from Sludge Hydrothermal Carbon[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(3):101-106.点击复制

    Leaching Behavior of Phosphorus and Main Associated Metal Elements from Sludge Hydrothermal Carbon
    方俊华1, 旷鹏1, 程思捷1, 唐琦2
    (1.重庆年夜学 三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室,重庆 400045;2.成都会自来水无限义务公司,湖南 成都 610031)
    FANG Jun-hua1, KUANG Peng1, CHENG Si-jie1, TANG Qi2
    (1. Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China; 2. Chengdu Municipal Waterworks Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China)
    sludge hydrothermal carbon;phosphorus recovery;metals;leaching
    以水热碳化对市政污泥进行预处置,采取硫酸法对制得的污泥水热炭进行磷提取尝试,同时斟酌钙、铁、铝的释放,探讨硫酸浓度、浸出时候、液固比对磷提取结果的影响。成果注解,水热炭中磷的形态以Ca-P、Mg-P为主,该形态有益在磷的提取操纵。磷和相干金属的浸出率随硫酸浓度的增年夜而升高。长时候浸出会致使溶液构成硫酸钙晶体,下降磷和钙的浸出率,铁和铝的浸出率跟着浸出时候的增添而升高,但所需浸出时候较长。液固比经由过程影响水热炭与酸的接触面积来影响磷和相干金属的浸出结果。在硫酸浓度为0.5 mol/L、浸出时候为120 min和液固比为50 mL/g的前提下,水热炭中磷的浸出结果最好,浸出率为93.8%,钙、铁、铝的浸出率别离为70.4%、54.5%、65.8%。
    Municipal sludge was pretreated by hydrothermal carbonization method, and phosphorous was extracted from the sludge hydrothermal carbon by sulfuric acid method. Considering the release of calcium, iron and aluminum, the effects of sulfuric acid concentration, leaching time and liquid-solid ratio on the phosphorus extraction performance was investigated. The forms of phosphorus in hydrothermal carbon were mainly Ca-P and Mg-P, which were conducive to the extraction and utilization of phosphorus. The leaching rates of phosphorus and related metals showed an overall increasing trend with the increase of sulfuric acid concentration. Long leaching time led to the formation of calcium sulfate crystals in the solution, and reduced the leaching rates of phosphorus and calcium. The leaching rates of iron and aluminum increased with the increase of leaching time. However, the leaching time was longer. The liquid-solid ratio affected the leaching performance of phosphorus and related metals by influencing the contact area between hydrothermal carbon and acid. When the sulfuric acid concentration was 0.5 mol/L, leaching time was 120 min and liquid-solid ratio was 50 mL/g, the maximum leaching rate of phosphorus from hydrothermal carbon was 93.8%, and the leaching rates of calcium, iron and aluminum was 70.4%, 54.5% and 65.8%, respectively.


    [1]郝晓地,郭小媛,时琛,等.污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管Ash Dec工艺和其研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(14):17.HAOXiao-di,GUOXiao-yuan,SHIChen,et al.Advances in the Ash Dec Process for Phosphorus Recovery from Sludge Incineration Ash[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(3):17.[2]丁燕燕,在鸿宇,戴晓虎.污泥中的磷和收受接管手艺研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):29.DINGYan-yan,YUHong-yu,DAIXiao-hu.Research Progress on Phosphorus in Sludge and Its Recovery Technology[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(3):29.[3]郝晓地,李季,吴远远,等.蓝色水工场:框架与手艺[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(4):1.HAOXiao-di,LIJi,WUYuan-yuan,et al.Blue Water Factories (BWFs): Framework and Technologies[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(3):1.[4]丁鑫,李祥,毕贞,等.厌氧/好氧瓜代生物膜工艺操纵原水中碳源收受接管磷[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):1.DINGXin,LIXiang,BIZhen,et al.Recovery of Phosphorus by Anaerobic/Aerobic Alternative Biofilm Process Using Organic Carbon from Raw Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(3):1.

    更新日期/Last Update:2024-02-01

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